Press releases for Personal Injury Attorney Tim Mazzela

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Fighting for Fresno: How One Personal Injury Attorney Became the Area’s Most Sought After Legal Mind

There are almost half-a-million personal injury cases filed every year in the United States. Since 1994, Tim Mazzela has been the personal injury attorney Fresno turns to when they become…

January 14, 2022

Personal Injury Lawyer Fresno: Tim Mazzela is Honored to Represent Victims of Road Traffic Accidents in California

Being injured in a serious road traffic accident can often leave you feeling overwhelmed and alone. Your life has changed in a moment, and it can be hard to know…

June 8, 2021

4 Things You MUST Do When Involved in A Traffic Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault, Courtesy of Personal Injury Attorney Tim Mazzela

Nobody gets into their car expecting to be in an accident. In fact, many of us drive for decades without it even crossing our minds, with experience and confidence growing…

April 20, 2021
About Personal Injury Attorney Tim Mazzela

Accidents happen. People get injured. Life has unexpected turns. When you choose personal injury attorney, Tim Mazzela, you can focus on your recovery, worry-free. His proven history of getting excellent results is seen in his case victories and client’s satisfaction.

Contact Personal Injury Attorney Tim Mazzela
1875 E Alluvial Avenue Suite 101
CA 93720
United States
(559) 297 1118

Personal Injury Attorney Tim Mazzela Website