Virtual reality company VR Machine is changing the way students learn by offering a variety of immersive VR incursions for schools and colleges. VR Machine’s educational experiences provide students with a unique and engaging way to learn about a variety of subjects, such as space exploration, the solar system, the human body, art and design, museums and galleries, science, animals and nature, and cultures of the world. Students can also experience creating 3D models, music, and painting directly in immersive VR, a truly unique form of creative expression.

“Our VR incursions allow students to fully immerse themselves in the material and retain more information in a fun and interactive way,” said VR Machine Creative Director Mitch Buzza. “We’ve received great feedback from teachers and students who have participated in our incursions, and we’re excited to bring these innovative learning experiences to more schools and colleges.”

In addition to their educational value, VR Machine’s incursions also provide a welcome change of pace from traditional classroom learning. Students are really excited about the VR incursions. Many teachers have remarked it’s a great way to mix up their usual lesson plans and keep things fresh and engaging.

For more information about VR Machine and its VR school incursions, in Greater Melbourne and Geelong please visit


About VR Machine

Amazing school incursions in VR, for primary and secondary schools in Melbourne and Victoria.

Contact VR Machine
Unit 303, 11 Bent Street
VIC 3204