The Fit Wizard discusses workout plans, essential training techniques, nutrition information, and goals tracking. The website also reviews popular supplements available on the market and some home gym equipment too.

“The Fit Wizard wants to provide people with the information they need to track their fitness progress through tracker technology, supplements, and programs”. Sam Andreas, the site’s content manager, said. “I began my fitness journey at an early age. I started lifting when I was 16. I even remember buying the first set of dumbbells to workout in my bedroom, and from then on, I haven’t put them down, I was instantly hooked”.

“I see many young people joining the gym today without any knowledge on how to train or eat properly to shape their bodies. I also see some people who have been working out for years but without any results. They look the same today as when they first joined, if not even worst. I remember making all these mistakes and many more. So, I decided to document the training and nutrition guides that helped me transform and maintain my body and give them all for free to help anyone who’s interested in getting in shape”.

“Our main mission is to help people look good, feel good, and most importantly have fun along the way”, Sam added.

The site has recently expanded the content to include comprehensive guides for female trainers, and even experienced lifters who are looking to maximize lean mass gains.

The site is well planned and easy to navigate. All the content on the site is carefully edited to cite scientific peer-reviewed journal articles in order to meet the highest quality standards.

One fascinating article is about muscle hypertrophy. It provides a complete plan to build muscle naturally. The article researched the two types of muscle hypertrophy – sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar. It also explores the main external contributing factors to hypertrophy. These are the correct form of weight training, proper nutrition, and adequate recovery.

Another interesting article is about grass-fed whey protein powder, which believed to deliver the most impressive results. It expands on the process goes into producing the powder and the differences with the standard whey. For some people, the choice between the two is down to the cost as some high-quality grass-fed whey proteins can be quite expensive than the standard whey protein.

The article also reviews the top five grass-fed whey and lists each brand’s pros and cons.

Moreover, if you are more interested in supplements, The Fit Wizard has an article titled: ”L-Leucine, the most potent amino acid supplement” it considers a particular amino acid, L-Leucine, to be the most powerful if you want to enhance your training. The article discusses what L-Leucine is, how it works, the benefits and side effects, and the popular L-Leucine brands available on the market. The Fit Wizard has linked the products within this article, all of which can be purchased on Amazon.

Contact Sam Andreas, the content manager, today if you are interested in this bodybuilding workout programs and meal plans, you can call email him at [email protected] for any queries or questions. We recommend going online to the site –, where you will find all the information you need on muscle, fitness, and nutrition tracking. Especially if you have started taking supplements, protein powders such as whey or plant-based, and want to take natural bodybuilding and body transformation seriously. The site has information on all of these.


About The Fit Wizard

Welcome to The Fit Wizard, where you can find the information you need to track your fitness journey though technology, supplements, and programs.

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