Turning Point Centers explain how they are a non 12 step drug and alcohol recovery program located in Sandy, Utah. Turning Point Centers is a place where they support individuals with their journey toward healing and recovery. The team are sympathetic and dedicated to their job in helping treat individuals with addiction as a chronic, progressive disease.

With their wealth of knowledge, they have concluded that addiction is like a disease, as it completely takes over your body, and each person is affected differently. Turning Points Centers have many options to help individuals cope, such as Behavioural Therapies and Medication-Assisted Treatment.  According to Turning Points Center, the Medication-Assisted Treatment involves a whole-patient approach to substance use disorder treatment.

So, what sets Turning Point Centers apart from others? Well, Turning Points Centers is a non 12 step recovery-program, compared to the usual 12 step alcohol and drug program in other clinics. The team of caring individuals ensures the highest standard of clinical and medical practices, and even comprehensive patient measurement and engagement tools. As well as looking after each individual’s needs and deciding the best course of treatment for them on their road to recovery.

At Turning Point Centers, they offer a range of programs, including residential treatment, day treatment, outpatient treatment, sober living, and an alumni community. They even provide many behavioral therapies, family programming, physician-directed care, and Medication-Assisted Treatment.

The therapies and treatment are more effective when utilized together, rather than just one measure of treatment for some time. During the recovery period, the team helps each individual with abstinence, which will help stabilize the brain and begin their journey of healing. Next comes the prevention of relapse, and the team will be there every step of the way.

Through experience and research, Turning Points Center have found that successful treatment for an individual is down to the non 12 step rehab program; this is about the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

They have found with the non 12 step program, many principles, that make the treatment so effective, from thinking that addiction is treatable, to adjusting treatment to suit each individual, helpful resources for the person, and even behavioral therapies such as CBT and REBT.

They even mention that NIDA has explained how medications can be helpful for recovery too, to treat substance abuse disorders or other disorders, sufficient time should be given to an individual to achieve a full recovery, and not to mention, they have also found that involuntary admission can be successful, and most importantly each individual’s plan will need to be checked and changed from time to time.

Contact Turning Point Centers today if you feel the non 12 step-program is for you or a close family member or friend. Turning Point Centers have been helping individuals for over ten years from alcohol and drug issues to mental health issues. The team at Turning Point Centers understands how difficult it is to battle addiction, so they want to be there for you every step of the way to recovery.

Speak to one of Turning Point Centers advisors today on  (541) 203-4441 or via email at info@turningpointcenters.com. You can also read more about what Turning Point Centers has to offer online from their programs to their admissions at https://turningpointcenters.com/.

SOURCE: https://thenewsfront.com/turning-point-centers-explains-their-non-12-step-drug-and-alcohol-recovery-program/

Organization: https://thenewsfront.com/organisation/turning-point-centers/

About Turning Point Centers

We understand overcoming addiction is not easy. At Turning Point Centers, our Non-12-Step programs focus on co-occurring mental health issues, often referred to as dual-diagnosis.  It is crucial to treat the underlying suffering in the mind that causes individuals to…

Contact Turning Point Centers
2945 Turning Point Circle
Utah 84092
United States
972 895 4640
