The C3 Summit is a renowned gathering that fosters US-Arab Healthcare and Business initiatives. Rob Kramarz of The Jericho Center chaired the sessions on their breast cancer initiative in the Jorden River Valley area during the C3 event focused on providing life-saving early breast cancer detection and care in the Middle East.
New York, NY
The Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy’s mission is to advance peace through health care initiatives. The Jericho Center is focused on the early detection of breast cancer in the Middle East. Breast cancer is often not detected until stages 3 and 4, a death sentence for women in many Arab-speaking countries. The primary barriers they are addressing are;
- Screening that is culturally acceptable, non-invasive, and readily available, and 2. Nurturing care during recovery. The Jericho Center is committed to providing non-invasive, early screening and a nurturing environment for recovery called the Healing Oasis. The Healing Oasis will be a fully equipped facility for patients under treatment and their families. It will be the first of its kind, provide recovery care, childcare, family housing while generating critical resources like local jobs, training, water, and electricity with the surrounding communities.
“The Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy represents a passionate desire to reduce suffering, mortality, and family disruption due to breast cancer in the Middle East while nourishing the peace process through collaboration.” said Robert Steven Kramarz, the Center’s Executive Director.
Breast cancer remains the most deadly cancer in the world. Few of us have not lost a friend or loved one to breast cancer. In the U.S., early detection in stages 1 and 2 makes all the difference in the survival rate. The critical nature of early detection for women in the Middle East is why the Jericho Center’s focus includes low-cost, non-invasive screening. Current breast cancer screening methodologies remain too costly and culturally inappropriate.
The Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy seeks to build a path to peace via medical initiatives. Choosing breast cancer as their first initiative serves the unmet needs of women and advances cooperation between countries.
The C3 US-Arab Healthcare and Business Summit is a powerful platform for change. It brings together governments, business leaders, educators, medical professionals, and infrastructure providers. The netcast of the conference reaches millions of viewers in over 50 countries. The Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy’s participation in the summit establishes them as a powerful ally to positive change and peace in the Middle East.
“As the founder of The C3 Summit, I see people coming together, exchanging business ideas, and I see collaboration amongst communities for business. Let’s face it. Healthcare is the biggest industry in the world. If we can bring these countries together with healthcare diplomacy rather than political diplomacy, I think it can work better” Ransel Potter
Breast cancer facts: 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. 30%, their cancer will metastasize. 97% of those will die of the disease. Women in impoverished countries go underdiagnosed and are more than 40% more likely to die.
The Jericho Center envisions collaboration in the Jordan River Valley, leading to other forms of cooperation and conversations that lead to meaningful peace negotiations.
The Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy is a division of Empowerment Works, a 501(c)3 California non-profit corporation. Empowerment Works handles non-profit IRS reporting and compliance documentation as a “fiscal sponsor.”
About The Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy
The Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy is a non-profit program managed by Intelliversity, Inc. and sponsored by Empowerment Works, Inc., created to advance peace in the middle east through medical initiatives.