The covid-19 pandemic forced businesses all over the world to ask their employees to work remotely. CEO’s and HR departments had to undergo a serious phase of learning, quickly adapting their workforce to digital platforms and analyzing whether employees could suitably manage a home and work life balance.

While many employees thrive working from home, those who have constant distractions often become unfocused, juggling a busy household with their work duties. This looks set to continue, with companies finding substantial financial benefits to employing a remote workforce, and subsequently opting to make this approach their preferred way of working.

San Diego Health are a research and advice thought leader when it comes to health and lifestyle. Since the start of the pandemic, they’ve noted a dramatic increase in interest for supplements that can improve focus and mindset, largely due to remote workers feeling unfocused, unmotivated and struggling for clarity.

Below, we look at San Diego Health nootropic supplements guidance for those who are new to nootropics, or who are interested in learning more about brain-boosting supplements.

What are nootropic supplements?

Nootropics are cognitive enhancing supplements. Often available in capsule form that you take daily with water, juice, or coffee and the like, they’ve become renowned, particularly since the covid-19 pandemic, for having a positive impact on your mental health. Benefits are said to include increased alertness, better focus, sharper mindset, improved mood, motivation, and concentration, and there’s even additional benefits around communication and verbal fluency.

Why are remote workers turning to nootropic supplements to help with focus?

Many remote workers are trying to balance their work with taking care of children, staying on top of household chores, answering the door to delivery drivers, keeping their pets entertained or dealing with nosy neighbors. Others simple aren’t used to having the freedom of remote working, and become easily distracted by TV programs, social media and the like.

San Diego Health nootropics guidance was created specifically for those who feel they need a little extra help in keeping their mind clear, sharp and focused, something that nootropic supplements are considered to be excellent at. When taken in line with the guidelines, nootropics can be very advantageous for remote workers who are struggling with their mind’s clarity, motivation and speed.

Are nootropic supplements safe, and which are the most researched and popular with consumers?

While a relatively new phenomenon, there has been a substantial amount of scientific research around the supplement that is freely available online to analyze. Like any supplement, there are clear guidelines around advised intake and potential side effects, but they are considered to be safe and can be purchased online from reputable retailers.

As a thought leader in the health industry, San Diego Health brain supplements research and guidance is considered to be some of the most thorough and informative available online. They have dived deep into the nootropics industry to understand what supplements are available, which have the most evidence behind them, and which are the most popular with consumers, all of which can be found on their website.

What other supplements are remote workers taking?

Aside from nootropics, many remote workers have enquired about Adderall alternatives. Adderall is prescribed to those who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to help them focus, and to those who have narcolepsy, a daytime sleeping condition. Adderall alternatives advice is again particularly thorough. Although they state that the alternatives are not as blindingly effective or as dangerous as Adderall, they can be very effective in improving focus and can be purchased over the counter.


Remote working, for many, is immensely difficult. It’s not surprising to see such a vast increase in the popularity of supplements that can enhance the brain and mind. With remote working appearing to be a viable and preferred solution for global businesses, there’s little doubt that the popularity of brain supplements will only continue to grow, as remote workers look for ways to keep themselves focused during particularly busy or unmotivating days.


More Information

San Diego Health’s head writer is Pablo Garduno. He collates all of the research and analysis carried out by the team and publishes it in non-technical formats, blending top-level information with key detail for informative knowledge sharing that suits all types of readers. Learn more about San Diego Health and read Pablo’s work via the website.


About San Diego Health

San Diego Health is a health and wellness archive established to give you the information you need when it comes to human optimization.

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