Press releases for Robafoam

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Robafoam: Robotically-Applied Foam Seal Specialist Rebrands from CeraCon UK but Continues to Provide Market-Leading Sealing Solutions

One of the most innovative and unique businesses in the UK has rebranded. CeraCon UK, established in 2012, has become a market leading foam seal specialist by incorporating robotic technology…

October 4, 2021
About Robafoam

Our UK company was established in 2012 after identifying the need for a specialist business to provide the service of “Contract Gasketing” in the UK. The decision to start this venture was based on the founders 30+ years in the industrial & automotive adhesive and sealant sector.

Contact Robafoam
Unit 9 Berrington Road, Sydenham Industrial Estate
Leamington Spa
CV31 1NB
United Kingdom
01926 336231

Robafoam Website