Press releases for OS.ME

Newsroom Powered by The News Front | Press Release Publishing on Yahoo, Business Insider & Top News Sites Karma Program: Where Members Can Grow Spiritually and Financially is an internet start-up that is focused on helping people find their hidden potential. In many cases, that potential is hindered by social conditioning, difficult circumstances, and confusion. This…

September 3, 2021

OS.ME Online Community: An Antidote to the Toxicity of Social Media

The OS.ME online community is an antidote to the negative effects of mainstream social media. Members of the OS.ME online community enjoy a troll-free, positive community where they can discover…

July 7, 2021
About OS.ME

And so in 2019, we transformed into a membership based platform called The idea was that anyone could become a free member but only those who were premium members could comment and engage in discussions.

Contact OS.ME
Pheasant St
CA 91206
United States

OS.ME Website