Press releases for Flightfins

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Flightfins: Onewheel Market Share Increasing Due to Rising Popularity, Multifunctional Purpose, and Innovative Onewheel Accessories

Onewheels have been around for quite sometime now. When first introduced to the world back in 2015, the skateboarding community were excited by the modernization of this recreational and travel…

June 28, 2021

Flightfins Are Helping the OneWheel Community Fly High and Perform Tricks Like Never Before

If you haven’t used a OneWheel yet, where have you been? This sport, travel method, recreational hobby, and all-around adrenaline fuelled craft has been exciting sportspeople, skaters, and general adventure…

March 4, 2021
About Flightfins

Orie Rush and Michael Woolson are brothers and have been riding OneWheels together since 2015. With an unrelenting passion for the sport, Michael organized some of the earliest OneWheel group rides in Los Angeles as well as Facebook groups such as Los Angeles OneWheel, FloatKings, OneWheel Records and FloatQueens.

Contact Flightfins
201 E 5th St
Ohio 44902
United States

Flightfins Website