London based Mini Me Yoga, an organisation that champions the blend of yoga with mental health and wellbeing programmes, proudly celebrates Manor Park Primary School for being the first in Scotland to achieve their accreditation.

After working with Mini Me Yoga for two years, trained staff at Manor Park Primary School now engage 50 pupils in fun and supportive workshops.

The programme has been especially valuable after a series of restrictions and lockdowns from Covid-19 in boosting pupils’ strength and fitness, but by also providing them with essential positive thinking techniques.

The key to JOY

It’s not just about learning how to pose in downward dog!

Mini Me Yoga places emphasis on bringing joy into children’s lives through educating adults on how to teach children the tools needed to understand their mental well-being, in a fun and encouraging environment.

Through enjoyable lessons that combine different types of yoga, such as, Mini Me Desk Yoga to Breath Training, children learn how to healthily release stress and retain information while increasing their overall confidence and happiness.

This approach has proven its success at Manor Park Primary school where they took Mini Me Yoga’s teachings further, by implementing charging stations around the school for students to take a quiet moment to assess their mental health.

Not just this, but other studies have shown that Mini Me Yoga’s yoga for kids workshops have helped children in beginning to understand the power of their own thoughts while positively increasing their mental well-being.

New Skills

The Mini Me Yoga school accreditation programme is specifically tailored for schools which are committed to improving the wellbeing of both children and staff through a positive approach to learning and classroom environment. The schools can use the Mini Me Yoga programmes daily, weekly, integrate them into the school routine to ensure a long-term partnership.

In return, Mini Me Yoga promises certain commitments, like providing staff with kids yoga teacher training, meditation and mindfulness training programmes to ensure deeper knowledge and understanding needed to conduct their workshops.

These are:

  • To provide a key ambassador to look after the school
  • Provide training to 75% of teaching staff
  • Provide trained staff with relevant Mini Me Yoga resources during training
  • Make available Explorer and Meditation training dates
  • Carry out an annual review
  • Host an award ceremony where the plaque will be presented

All of Mini Me Yoga’s training courses are accredited both in the UK and Europe and are combined with a mixture of e-learning, live online sessions, and books that train teachers and caregiver’s on how best to deliver Mini Me Yoga’s core values.

There are also a pack of Magick Yoga cards that are filled with positive words and 14 poses (which along with all the program materials are able to be translated into Spanish, Welsh, Irish and French) are given to each participant to help them practice at home.

Positive Results

With all these resources to ensure access to a healthier body and well-being for children who want it, there is no surprise in the overwhelming support for Mini Me Yoga.

Head Teacher of Manor Park Primary School, Gill Graham, said: “The partnership, support and yoga skills we have all developed have supported the emotional and mental wellbeing of staff and pupils. We are delighted to have Mini Me Yoga accreditation and look forward to working with Emma to continue to address the wellbeing needs of Team MP.”

Mini Me Yoga were also awarded a Princess Royal Training Award in 2021 for outstanding training and skills development.


More information

To learn more about how to bring joy into children’s lives through Mini Me Yoga, please visit their website at


About Mini Me Yoga

Mini Me Yoga is dedicated to bringing fun into the lives of children by empowering grown-ups to share our workshops.

Contact Mini Me Yoga
1 Queensdale Pl
W11 4SQ
United Kingdom